uw ACCESS是一个教科书计划,为本科生和研究生提供学术课程的电子书或印刷教科书. 攻读学士学位的学生, 在百老汇校区攻读硕士或博士学位的学生每学期都可以使用课程材料.


The UIW ACCESS program will deliver the most up-to-date e-books or printed textbooks to students.


With UIW ACCESS, 学生将在上课第一天的前一周获得课程材料(如果在添加/删除期间,则在数字材料注册后48小时内)。. 威斯康星大学教师在每堂课上使用课程材料,如教科书. 威斯康星大学认识到,学生在每学期开始时准备好这些材料是至关重要的.


所有获得学士学位的学生, 除护理课程外,百老汇校区的硕士或博士学位将参加UIW ACCESS计划.

uw ACCESS的好处:

  • 在第一天上课前获取课程材料
  • 每门课程都使用最新版本
  • 在电子设备上阅读教科书,或者选择纸质书
  • 取消了800多门课程和实验费




大多数课程使用电子书作为课件. You can find your e-books in Canvas, a UIW learning management system, by logging into Cardinal Apps. In Canvas, 点击您的课程,然后选择名为“BryteWave课程材料”的BryteWave链接来访问您的电子书.

数字教材将在上课第一天的前一周在Canvas上提供(如果在添加/删除期间,则在数字材料注册后48小时内)。. You will receive an email notification from BryteWave (donotreply@redshelf.com) through your UIW email account with instructions on how to access the material. 或者观看上面的视频以获得一步一步的指导.

BryteWave是一个数字教科书平台. You can highlight text, bookmark, search, sort and take notes using BryteWave.

If you do not receive an email in your UIW email account from BryteWave, 但相信你有电子教科书, go to the BryteWave网站. 使用您的uw电子邮件地址和BryteWave密码登录. If you do not know your password, select "Forgot Password" and enter your UIW email address. 登录信息将发送到您的uw电子邮件.

大多数课程使用电子书或课件, so your e-books will be included in your Canvas course under the tab titled BryteWave Learning Materials. 物理学习材料(教科书和课程文件)将在uw百老汇校区学生参与中心(SEC) 2050室领取,具体如下:

  • 2024年8月19日至25日:中午至下午6点.m. (SEC 2050)
  • 2024年8月26日- 31日上午10点.m. – 6 p.m. (SEC 2050)
  • 2024年9月2日至6日:中午至下午6点.m. (SEC 2050)

当材料准备好领取时,学生将收到福莱特书店的电子邮件通知(customerservice@efollett.com) detailing the physical course materials assigned and an order number. 学生被要求带着这封包含他们的订单号的电子邮件给福莱特校园书店的工作人员,他们已经准备好并预先包装了他们的订单,以便快速完成.

本科在读学生, 研究生或博士护理课程(前缀NURS)可以通过uw书店购买他们的学习材料.


实物材料将在uw学生参与中心(SEC) 2050室分发,该中心位于百老汇4301号, San Antonio, TX 78209 (view map). 我们强烈鼓励学生在开课前或开课后尽快拿起材料.

如果即将到来的学期已经分配了物理材料, 学生将收到福莱特校园书店(customerservice@efollett.com) with an attached "packing slip" detailing the physical course materials assigned. 学生们被要求带着他们的“包装单”,准备好交给福莱特校园书店的工作人员,他们已经准备好并预先包装了他们的订单,以便快速完成.

The physical materials distribution schedule for the three-week period of August 19th to September 6th 2024如下:

  • 2024年8月19日至25日:中午至下午6点.m. (SEC 2050)
  • 2024年8月26日- 31日上午10点.m. – 6 p.m. (SEC 2050)
  • 2024年9月2日至6日:中午至下午6点.m. (SEC 2050)

Please 提交有关流程的问题 如需额外协助.

UIW ACCESS项目以学期为基础. Learning materials are supplied the week prior to the beginning of the semester.

全百老汇校区本科, 硕士和博士研究生有资格参加uw ACCESS计划. This program covers e-books and textbooks for the fall and spring semesters. The UIW ACCESS program is not currently available for summer terms, May term or winter term.

Note: 护理专业的学生在大学开始学习护理预科专业,然后在完成护理课程所需的一系列先决条件后,在第三或第四个学期单独入学. 转班、重复上课等因素. determine when a student can apply and be admitted to the nursing program. Prior to admission to the major most nursing students enroll in courses other than nursing. Books in the non-nursing courses are covered under the UIW ACCESS program.

进入专业后, nursing students enroll mostly (but not exclusively) in nursing courses. 护理课程以前缀NURS指定. NURS课程材料(学士), 硕士学位和博士学位)可以在UIW书店购买,因为它们不是UIW ACCESS计划的一部分. 所有其他百老汇课程都将参与该计划. 这取决于你具体的注册模式, students pursuing Nursing degrees will likely have courses participating in the UIW ACCESS program (e.g.非nurs课程)和其他不需要的课程(例如.g., NURS courses).

uw Access教科书计划是uw Access教科书计划的一部分 大学生学费. 此外,还取消了800多门课程和实验费. This program covers e-books and textbooks for the fall and spring semesters. uw ACCESS计划不适用于夏季学期(延长), 迷你I或迷你II), 五月学期还是冬季学期.

uw ACCESS和学生费用

uw ACCESS教材项目适用于学生学费的图表.
学期和学期 Student Fees 项目费用信息



No fees for e-books, textbooks, courses, or labs (except for Nursing courses)



No fees for e-books, textbooks, courses, or labs (except for Nursing courses)



The program is not available for the summer terms (extended, 迷你I或迷你II).

May Term



Winter Term

一个冬季课程500美元, if a winter course is taken in combination with spring courses then $1,020


欲了解更多信息,请参阅商务办公室的 UIW学杂费(PDF).

Only material identified as "required" by your instructor or department is part of the UIW ACCESS program. 推荐的材料不是uw ACCESS计划的一部分. 查看校园书店页面,查看uw书店中其他推荐材料的可用性.

从2022年秋季学期开始, undergraduate and graduate students at the Broadway campus will no longer receive book disbursement funds. 学生将继续获得所有剩余的财政援助资金作为退款,基于标准的机构流程.

如果你正在使用第31章退伍军人准备和就业, 大学学生费用将自动与您的学费一起开具发票给退伍军人事务部. UIW Bookstore Supply Vouchers will continue to be issued each semester to VR&获得VA认证的学生. 特殊物品必须得到VR的批准&E案例管理器并批准您的付款授权. For more information, please contact the Military and Veteran Center at (210) 832-5651 or veterans@uiwtx.edu.

学生可以保留印刷书籍. 数字材料将根据出版商的条款提供.

您可以联系uw帮助台寻求帮助. 帮助台人员位于uw学生参与中心低层的前台.

学生和教师可以把他们的笔记本电脑带到前台进行诊断服务和小型故障排除. The HelpDesk serves as the initial point of contact for all calls related to desktop and laptop support, 以及视听课堂支持.

Phone: (210) 829-2721
Email: helpdesk@uiwtx.edu
Website: UIW Help Desk

The UIW Bookstore will provide required textbooks for courses until the drop/add deadline. The bookstore will automatically create a new order as you add your classes.

如果课堂上有电子书的话, 访问将提供在画布定位通过登录到 Cardinal Apps. 您将在添加课程后24小时内收到一封电子邮件通知,告知您如何通过BryteWave访问您的电子书.

If print books are used for the class, your order will be processed within 48 hours. 在我们收到印刷书后, you will receive an email with the subject "Your order is ready for pickup" once your material is available.

学校将尽一切努力确保在第一天上课时提供纸质教科书和电子书. However, some elements such as schedule changes within a week prior to the beginning of the term, 在添加/删除期间的更改将影响订单,并可能产生超出大学控制范围的结果. Physical products are dependent upon supply chains which are unpredictable at present. 电子材料可以快速加工和添加, 一般在更改注册后48小时内.

Yes, 如果您在课程的正式加/退日期之前退课, 这些实物资料必须归还uw书店. 访问电子或数字材料将完全被禁止.

Yes. 你需要联系 UIW Bookstore 了解更多信息. 如果有,打印版本可以购买额外的费用.

Please Note: 交货取决于供货情况. 请允许最多六周的交货时间.

No. Materials will be available for pick-up the week prior to the start of the semester.

课堂上使用的实物必须在预定的学期结束前取走. Orders that remain after the term end date are canceled and are no longer available for students. 如果材料没有被访问,没有退款或折扣.


如果你赚了一个不完整的, the instructor will work with the bookstore and publisher to ensure access. uw书店将确保学生在学期结束后的90天内可以完成所需的工作.

大多数课程都使用帆布课程中包含的电子书或课件. 建议您下载 Canvas应用程序 Cardinal Apps 使用移动设备或平板电脑访问学习材料.

A student can print, but it is up to the publisher how much of the e-book can be printed. Printing costs of an e-book are not covered under the UIW ACCESS program.

物理治疗学院提供的学位课程, 菲克药学院, 罗森博格验光学院, and the 骨科医学院 do not participate in the UIW ACCESS program.

在Ila Faye Miller护理和健康专业学校, 获得护理学理学士学位的学生, 护理学加速理学士(ABSN), Master of Science in Nursing Leadership and Doctor of Nurse Practice degree programs are not participating.

Students in the 专业研究学院 (SPS) do not qualify for UIW ACCESS, however, SPS的本科生确实收到 免费电子书/教科书. 专业研究学院的所有现役军人还将免费获得学士和硕士学位课程的电子书/教科书.

If you have a question not answered by the FAQs, submit your question below.






  • MTWThF 10 a.m. - noon CT
  • WThF 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. CT

所有的办公时间都是 通过这个缩放链接.


Melanie Kinzie
Account Executive
Email: melanie.kinzie@cengage.com
Website: Cengage.com

McGraw Hill

Login to Connect:

  • Go to http://connect.mheducation.com to login.
  • 用你的电子邮件地址和密码登录.
  • If you do not know your password, you can reset it with the "Forgot Password" link on the login page.



  • 有关自助教程,技巧和更多内容,请访问 www.SupportAtEveryStep.com 
    • Peer Support – Speak with a fellow instructor about best practices and how they use the tools in their course.
    • Read Anywhere App -免费帮助学生将学习融入生活.
  • 安排约会 与我们实施团队的一名成员一起协助设置. 
  • McGraw Hill的技术支持,提供即时的技术援助, 请联络我们的客户体验组:
    • Phone: 1-800-331-5094; Live chat/email: http://mhedu.force.com/CXG/s/ContactUs 
    • 星期一至四:24小时,星期五:中午12点.m. - 9 p.m., Sat: 10 a.m. - 8 p.m., Sun: 12 p.m. - 12  a.m. (美国东部时间)
  • 支持搜索页面 -您可以搜索/浏览器所有连接教程.

Student Canvas First Day of Class Support Links: (Chrome or Firefox browsers recommended)


Catrina Camacho
Email: catrina.camacho@mheducation.com


Faculty Resources

Help page for faculty covering issues pertaining to (a) registration and access codes; (b) username and password issues; (c) assignment issues; and (d) online course in Blackboard, Canvas, etc. 每个主题可提供多个子页面. 培生教育支持

Student Resources

Help page for students covering issues pertaining to (a) registration and access codes; (b) username and password issues; (c) assignment issues; and (d) online course in Blackboard, Canvas, etc. 每个主题可提供多个子页面. 培生学生支持


Erica Teichman
Email: erica.teichman@pearson.com